For now the blog will focus on my university project but if i take to this whole 'blogging world' it will probably be a general blog of everything!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Yo! Sushi...

'YO! Sushi is based on the concept of a Japanese kaiten sushi bar offering a quality, fast and fun dining experience for all ages. With an extensive menu based on delicious and healthy dishes, covering both hot Japanese classics and traditional sushi, customers can help themselves to colour-coded dishes (priced between £1.70 and £5.00) from the conveyor belt and order their drinks via airline-style call buttons. YO! Sushi is the winner of the Restaurant R150 Best Restaurant Design for 2009 and now operates 59 restaurants in 5 countries; 44 in the UK and 15 franchised overseas in Ireland, Russia, Malaysia and the Middle East.' (taken from the Yo! sushi website)


How it all began...

Around a week ago we got given a brief at uni to illustrate a mural for a Yo! Sushi which has to be distinctive. The catch is that it has to be specific for a certain city like Paris or Rome, after that its a case of of developing an 'extension brand' of Yo! Sushi, which will mean a new logo, typeface and then designing a direct mail pack to promote the new restaurant opening, a food and wine menu and a wine and beer label. If I turn into a super-star-student and have loads of time left I can design things like a 'carry out' box/bag, stationary for the company and a delivery lorry. While I go through the motions of this, I will putting everything up on here so you can watch my journey and hopefully help me out! :)